I’m so excited about this new book, I just had to share one of the true stories that inspired our latest adventure, The Everyday Adventures of Papa & Paws: Bowwow Bedtime.
Marley has never liked going outside. I was the one going out with her in the middle of the night when she was a puppy for potty training. As a part or our routine, I let the girls out each night between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. to potty. Marley has never liked going outside, even when she was a puppy for potty training. Sometimes she would go right away, but most of the time she would sniff around. And sniff some more. Then sniff other things. And then forget that she had to go potty. We’d come inside and she’s be asking to go outside right away because she remembered that she still needs to go potty. While she has outgrown it mostly, she still gets what we call “Puppy Brain” where she goes out and then gets distracted.